Pizza Party

Green Olives, Italian Sausage, Mushrooms,
Roasted Red Peppers and Garlic Jack Cheese. 
Being able to make fresh homemade food brings so much joy to my heart. For me there is nothing better than cooking for my family and friends. Food seems to bring people together.

If you are looking for a fun way to include your friends and family in the process of cooking, than a pizza party may be just the ticket.

You can prep most items for pizza ahead of time and offer your guests a great selection of veggies, cheeses, and meats. You can go traditional with pepperoni and cheese, or you could take a new approach.  The sky is the limit with pizza.

The pizza toppings featured here are a little non-traditional. Green Olives, Italian Sausage, Mushrooms, Roasted Red Peppers and Garlic Jack Cheese.  

I have made a sauce out of onions, garlic, mushrooms, tomato sauce, salt, pepper, parsley, thyme, oregano, and a little grape jelly.  

Pizza Sauce
Yes, you heard me right, grape jelly.  This is a little trick I learned from a friend of mine who happens to be a Chef.  He said a lot of people do not like to use wine in their sauces, but that grape jelly could add some of the same flavor notes.  You have to be a bit careful as it is sweet, but try it.  I promise you will like it. The added bonus is that the sugar in the grape jelly actually helps to tame the "canned" flavor of the tomato sauce. 

Making the sauce is super simple. Saute your mushrooms, onions and garlic in about a tablespoon of olive oil until tender.  Add 1 regular size can of tomato sauce, and a teaspoon each of oregano, thyme and parsley.  Salt and pepper to taste and then add grape jelly a tablespoon at a time until you have the flavor you want.  Taste, taste, taste is the key here.

I like to use a quick and easy Pizza Dough that does not need to rise. 

Once you have your sauce and dough made and your toppings are cut you are ready to assemble your pizzas!  Give each person a piece of dough and let them roll it out to the thickness they like and then top it the way they want to. 

I do not have a pizza stone, so I turn my oven on to 425 degrees to preheat. I also preheat my cookie sheet. When my pizza is ready to go in the oven, I place it on the hot cookie sheet and bake it for 12 to 15 minutes.  I like to put a little cornmeal down on my baking sheet before I add my pizza. It helps to keep the pizza from sticking to the pan. 

I would love to know if you throw a pizza party.  I think this would be so much fun to do for the big game. Pizza, Beer and Football. One of life's perfect combinations. 


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